Inspiring Business Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

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Starting and running and growing a business is a series of episodes. It takes grit, determination, and a willingness to learn from those who have gone before us. The wisdom and experience of successful entrepreneurs can serve as a guiding light on our journey. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of inspiring business quotes from some of the most accomplished business leaders of our time, including Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and many more. These inspiring business quotes offer invaluable insights into the mindset, attitude, and strategies that have helped these entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Whether you’re just starting out or looking for inspiration to keep going, these quotes will empower you to push through challenges and achieve success. Get ready to be motivated and inspired!

Top 54 Inspiring Business Quotes.

1. “Business opportunities are like buses: there’s always another one coming.” -Richard Branson

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2. “The best customer service is if the customer doesn’t need to call you, doesn’t need to talk to you. It just works.” –Jeff Bezos

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3. “Management is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant.” -Peter Drucker

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4. “If you broke a lot of rules as a kid, you’d probably make a great entrepreneur.” -Harley Finkelstein

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5. “It’s important to be willing to make mistakes. The worst thing that can happen is you become memorable.” -Sara Blakely

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6. “I definitely see a correlation between how many things a company gets right and how fast a company grows.” -Garrett Camp

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In this quote, Garrett Camp, the co-founder of Uber, points out that a company’s success is directly correlated with how many things it gets right. This means that the more successful a company is, the more likely it is that it has made good decisions and executed well on them. This emphasizes the importance of paying attention to the details and continually striving for excellence in all aspects of the business.

7. “As a CEO, I am finding that I have to become a learning CEO. I have to go to school all the time because I am learning new skills that I need to run this company and I am realizing that I am not equipped to just coast. I have to constantly renew my skills.” – Indra Nooyi

Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and growth as a leader. She recognizes that the skills required to run a successful company are constantly evolving, and it is the responsibility of the CEO to keep up with these changes. By adopting a growth mindset and constantly seeking to improve, leaders can stay ahead of the curve and drive their companies towards success.

8. “It is not the genius at the top giving directions that makes people great. It is great people that make the guy at the top look like a genius.” -Simon Sinek

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Simon Sinek, a leadership expert, highlights the importance of having great people on your team as a leader. He suggests that the people at the top of an organization are only able to achieve great things because they have a team of talented and dedicated individuals supporting them. This quote emphasizes the importance of building a strong team and creating a culture that fosters growth and excellence.

9. “Whatever you do, don’t play it safe. Don’t do things the way they’ve always been done. Don’t try to fit the system. If you do what’s expected of you, you’ll never accomplish more than others expect.” -Howard Schultz

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Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks, encourages entrepreneurs to take risks and avoid playing it safe. He suggests that following the status quo and doing what’s expected of you will never allow you to achieve more than others expect. Instead, he urges entrepreneurs to think outside the box and take bold risks in order to achieve great things.

10. “Making the decision to not follow a system or someone else’s rules has allowed me to really dig into what my own strengths and gifts are without spending time feeling jaded or wasteful.” – Ishita Gupta

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Ishita Gupta, a writer and entrepreneur, emphasizes the importance of following your own path and not conforming to the expectations of others. She suggests that breaking away from the traditional system and doing things your own way can help you discover your true strengths and gifts. This quote encourages individuals to embrace their unique talents and pursue their passions, even if it means going against the norm.

11. “In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

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Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, recognizes that in today’s rapidly changing world, taking risks is essential for success. He suggests that sticking to the status quo and playing it safe is the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail. This quote encourages entrepreneurs to be bold, take risks, and be willing to experiment in order to find new and innovative solutions to the challenges they face.

12. “As a leader, it’s a major responsibility on your shoulders to practice the behavior you want others to follow.” – Himanshu Bhatia

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Himanshu Bhatia, the CEO of Rose International, highlights the importance of leading by example. He suggests that as a leader, it is important to model the behavior you want to see in others. By practicing what you preach, you can create a culture of excellence and inspire others to follow your lead.

13. “Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the trouble-making individual.” -Natalie Clifford Barney

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Natalie Clifford Barney, a poet and writer, suggests that entrepreneurship is a refuge for those who are not content with the status quo. She recognizes that entrepreneurship is a way to challenge the norm and create something new and exciting. This quote encourages individuals to embrace their inner troublemaker and pursue their dreams, even if it means going against the grain.

14. “If you wake up deciding what you want to give versus what you’re going to get, you become a more successful person. In other words, if you want to make money, you have to help someone else make money.” – Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons, a successful entrepreneur and music industry mogul, suggests that the key to success is not what you can get, but what you can give. He recognizes that by helping others succeed, you can achieve success yourself. This quote emphasizes the importance of generosity and collaboration in achieving business success.

15th inspiring business quote. “All humans are entrepreneurs, not because they should start companies, but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA, and creation is the essence of entrepreneurship.” – Reid Hoffman

Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, suggests that entrepreneurship is not just about starting companies, but about the innate human desire to create and innovate. He recognizes that the drive to create is embedded in our DNA, and entrepreneurship is a natural expression of that drive. This quote encourages individuals to tap into their innate creativity and pursue their passions, whether that means starting a business or pursuing other creative endeavors.

16. “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

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Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” This quote emphasizes the importance of having the courage to pursue your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be. It encourages individuals to take risks and to work towards their goals with dedication and determination, knowing that anything is possible if they believe in themselves.

17. “Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you. Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage.” -37 Signals

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The quote by 37 Signals states, “Instead of freaking out about these constraints, embrace them. Let them guide you. Constraints drive innovation and force focus. Instead of trying to remove them, use them to your advantage.” This quote emphasizes the importance of embracing limitations and using them to drive innovation and creativity. It encourages individuals to look at constraints as opportunities to innovate and to use their creativity to find solutions to problems.

18. “Our chief want in life, is someone who shall make us do what we can. This is the service of a friend. With him, we are easily great.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Our chief want in life, is someone who shall make us do what we can. This is the service of a friend. With him, we are easily great.” This quote highlights the importance of having a supportive friend who can inspire and motivate us to be the best version of ourselves. It encourages individuals to surround themselves with positive and supportive people who can help them achieve their goals.

19. “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” -Robert H. Schuller

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Robert H. Schuller stated, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” This quote emphasizes the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges. It encourages individuals to stay strong and to keep going, knowing that difficult times will eventually pass.

20. “Remember why you started.” -Unknown

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The quote “Remember why you started” is a reminder to individuals to stay focused on their goals and to remember the reasons why they started on their journey. It encourages individuals to stay motivated and to persevere, even when things get difficult.

21. “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” -Mandy Hale

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Mandy Hale said, “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” This quote highlights the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. It encourages individuals to make a positive impact on the world by helping others and spreading joy and positivity.

22. “The Team! The Team! The Team!” -Bo Schembechler

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The Team! The Team! The Team!” is a quote by Bo Schembechler, which emphasizes the importance of teamwork in achieving success. It encourages individuals to work together towards a common goal and to support one another in order to achieve success.

23. “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred with dust and sweat; who strives valiantly, who errs and may fall again and again because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt said, “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred with dust and sweat; who strives valiantly, who errs and may fall again and again because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.” This quote highlights the importance of taking risks and putting oneself out there in order to achieve success. It encourages individuals to not be afraid of failure and to keep trying, even in the face of setbacks.

24. “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” -Steve Martin

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“Be so good they can’t ignore you” is a quote by Steve Martin, which emphasizes the importance of excellence and mastery in one’s craft. It encourages individuals to work hard and to strive for excellence, in order to stand out from the crowd and achieve success.

25. “An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.” -Roy Ash

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Roy Ash stated, “An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he’ll quickly learn how to chew it.” This quote emphasizes the importance of taking risks and being willing to learn from mistakes. It encourages individuals to be bold and to take on challenges, even if they are initially daunting.

26. “We all have things we must do that we don’t really care to do and things we must do that we don’t mind doing, then there’s the goofing off.” -Mi Oon

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“We all have things we must do that we don’t really care to do and things we must do that we don’t mind doing, then there’s the goofing off,” is a quote by Mi Oon, which highlights the importance of finding a balance between work and play. It encourages individuals to find time to relax and have fun, while also staying focused on their responsibilities and goals.cmn

27. “Dear entrepreneurs, you can start a thousand businesses, launch 100 projects, and take dozens of companies public, but you only have one shot at being part of your kid’s childhood. Your kid doesn’t care about your platform, they care about your presence.” -Jon Acuff

28. “A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”  -John A. Shedd

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This quote is about taking risks and venturing out of one’s comfort zone. The harbor is a safe place for a ship, but that is not what it is built for. The ship is meant to sail, explore, and conquer new territories. Similarly, people should not settle for safety and comfort in life, but should take risks and strive for new experiences and opportunities.

29. “If you don’t have big dreams and goals, you’ll end up working for someone that does.” -Unknown

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This quote emphasizes the importance of having a vision and ambition in life. Without dreams and goals, people may end up living a mediocre life and working for someone else’s vision instead of their own. It is crucial to have a clear idea of what one wants to achieve in life and work towards it with passion and dedication.

30. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  -Thomas Edison

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This quote encourages people to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process. Edison’s words highlight the importance of perseverance, resilience, and determination in achieving success. Every failure is an opportunity to learn and improve, and it takes multiple attempts to achieve something great.

31. “Because, you know, resilience – if you think of it in terms of the Gold Rush, then you’d be pretty depressed right now because the last nugget of gold would be gone. But the good thing is, with innovation, there isn’t a last nugget. Every new thing creates two new questions and two new opportunities.” -Jeff Bezos

This quote is about the importance of resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. Jeff Bezos compares resilience to the Gold Rush and points out that the last nugget of gold would be gone, leaving nothing to pursue. However, innovation is different because it creates endless opportunities and possibilities for growth and development.

32. “Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.” -Drew Houston

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This quote encourages people to keep trying and taking risks, despite the fear of failure. Houston suggests that success only requires one correct decision or action, so the fear of failure should not deter people from pursuing their goals.

33. “In carrying out e-commerce, the most important thing is to keep doing what you are doing right now with passion, to keep it up.” –Jack Ma

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This quote highlights the importance of passion and consistency in business. Jack Ma emphasizes that entrepreneurs should focus on doing what they do best with passion and dedication. By staying true to their vision and values, they can build a successful business that resonates with their customers and stands the test of time.

34. “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” -Warren Buffett

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This quote emphasizes the importance of long-term thinking and planning. Buffett suggests that the actions people take today can have a significant impact on the future. Just as someone who planted a tree years ago is now enjoying its shade, people should focus on making strategic decisions that will benefit them and others in the future.

35th Inspiring business quote. “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” -Albert Einstein

This quote emphasizes the importance of integrity and character in life. Einstein suggests that people should focus on being a person of value rather than chasing success and fame. By focusing on being a good person and contributing to society, success will naturally follow.

36. “Don’t risk more than you can afford to lose!” -The Backroads Bosslady

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This reminds entrepreneurs to be mindful of their finances and not to take on too much risk that could be detrimental to their business. Similarly, Abu Bakr’s quote, “Knowledge without action is meaningless,” encourages entrepreneurs to take action based on their knowledge and not just acquire knowledge for its own sake.

37. “Knowledge without action is meaningless”  -Abu Bakr

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This is a reminder to persevere and not give up on long-term goals. This idea is echoed in Biz Stone’s quote, “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.c

168. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.”. -Unknown

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The quote “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it” is a reminder to persevere and not give up on long-term goals. This idea is echoed in Biz Stone’s quote, “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.”

39. “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.” -Marian Wright Edelman

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Marian Wright Edelman’s quote, “Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time,” emphasizes the importance of giving back to others and making a positive impact in the world.

40. “The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It’s part of the job description.” – Caterina Fake

Caterina Fake’s quote, “The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It’s part of the job description,” suggests that a positive outlook can be an important attribute for entrepreneurs. Similarly, Rob Siltanen’s quote, “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do,” highlights the importance of having a bold vision and taking risks.

41. “Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.” – Paul Rand

42. “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.” – Jack Welch

43. “If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.” – Steven Johnson

44. “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

45. “There’s nothing wrong with staying small. You can do big things with a small team.” – Jason Fried

46. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs

47. “I have never met a successful entrepreneur that didn’t have grit and tenacity. You have to believe in yourself and your ideas, and be willing to put in the time and energy to make them happen.” – Sara Sutton Fell

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48. “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” – Biz Stone

49. “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg

50. “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen

51. “The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow.” – Ingvar Kamprad

52. “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs

53. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

54. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

In addition to reading inspiring business quotes from successful entrepreneurs, there are several things you can do to increase your chances of success in the business world. Some steps you might consider taking include:

  1. Develop a clear business plan: Before starting a business, it’s important to have a clear plan in place that outlines your goals, strategies, and tactics. A well-crafted business plan can help you stay on track and make informed decisions as you move forward.
  2. Build a strong network: Surround yourself with supportive, knowledgeable people who can offer guidance and advice when you need it. This might include other entrepreneurs, mentors, industry experts, and even family and friends.
  3. Continuously learn and improve: Stay up-to-date on industry trends, develop new skills, and seek out opportunities for personal and professional growth. This can help you stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions.
  4. Take calculated risks: While it’s important to be cautious and make informed decisions, successful entrepreneurs often take calculated risks to move their businesses forward. This might include trying new marketing strategies, expanding into new markets, or launching new products or services.
  5. Stay focused and persistent: Building a successful business takes time, effort, and patience. Stay focused on your goals, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks or obstacles. Persistence and resilience are key qualities of successful entrepreneurs.

By combining inspiring business quotes with practical steps like these, you can increase your chances of success in the business world.

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