156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

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Famous Larry Ellison Quotes (Motivational)

1. “I liked the fact it was risky. The bigger the apparent risk, the fewer people will try to go there.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

2. “Conventional wisdom had it that relational databases couldn’t be made to run fast enough to be commercially viable, so people didn’t enter the race.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

3. “Learning how to sell to a financial guy or an HR or a sales guy or whatever is a big challenge.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

4. “Building our own consulting organization was a two-edged sword. There were as many pluses as minuses.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

5. “I guess a lot of people have dreams of sailing around the world. I was one of them.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

6. “It took me a while to learn how to spend money, but once I got started. I discovered that I have a real talent for it.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

7. “Sailing is completely unpredictable. If Mother Nature decides to make things difficult for you, it can get pretty tense, pretty fast.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

8. “I think we’re born slaves to reason. And it’s really reason that’s beaten out of us through a process of trying to please our teachers.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 8 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

9. “You really have to go back to first principles and think things out for yourself.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 9 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

10. “You have to think things out for yourself.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 10 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

11. “You idiots. Do what you want. I know I’m right. I’ve spoken my piece.”–Larry Ellison

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12. “I am so disturbed by kids who spend all day playing video games.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 12 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

13. “It’s my job for Oracle, the number two software company in the world; to become the number one software company in the world. My job is to build better than the competition, sell those products in the marketplace and eventually supplant Microsoft and move from being number two to number one.”–Larry Ellison

14. “The things that caused problems for me in school are the same things that help me succeed in the world.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

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15. “I’d prefer people read about Churchill and how he wasn’t overwhelmed by Nazi Germany. Amazing; that the morale of a country rested on one person’s shoulders. Extraordinary people carried that country through its darkest hours; truly inspirational. I suppose that’s my theme. Whether it’s a biography or a movie; whether it’s fictional or true, I’m inspired by people doing great things.” –Larry Ellison

16. “In marketing simple messages always win. The market itself has a different set of dynamics.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

17. “The reason I’ve been working more is it’s an extraordinary opportunity. Our industry is going through this tectonic change.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

18. “If our boat had sunk, we all would have died.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

19. “The most exciting race is… The race towards internet computing.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

20. “The ability to think, the ability to reason… What works and what doesn’t. What’s fair and what isn’t. What’s right and what’s wrong.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

21. “We just say – we can do this and they can’t.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

22. “People like to work with other intelligent and interesting people who like to do interesting things.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 20 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

23. “The opportunity in this country is outstanding. Everyone who works hard, maybe a little cleverly, has the opportunity to make almost anything possible.” –Larry Ellison

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24. “Find where everyone else is doing this wrong, where you can do it differently and better.” –Larry Ellison

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25. “There’s still room left for innovation.” –Larry Ellison

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26. “Anything good for the internet we’re very supportive of it.” –Larry Ellison

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27. “Put the stuff on the net… Don’t put stuff in cardboard [boxes.].” –Larry Ellison

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28. “I love the internet. I want information.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 26 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

29. “…Don’t mistake any of this for altruism…Fear and greed just doesn’t work. If you want to be successful, quality and service just works better.” –Larry Ellison

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30. “Both my mother and I were determined that we weren’t going to stay on welfare. We always worked toward doing better, toward having a better life. We never had any doubts that we would.” –Larry Ellison

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31. “A company “is like a shark, it either has to move forward or it dies.” –Larry Ellison

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32. “I do not give fashionable answers to questions.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 30 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

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Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship

33. “A corporation’s primary goal is to make money. Government’s primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give to others.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

34. “Building Oracle is like doing math puzzles as a kid.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

35.“I think after a certain amount, I’m going to give almost everything I have to charity. What else can you do with it? You can’t spend it, even if you try. I’ve been trying.” –Larry Ellison

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36. “It’s Microsoft versus mankind, with Microsoft having only a slight lead.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 34 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

37.“The most important aspect of my personality as far as determining my success goes; has been my questioning conventional wisdom, doubting experts and questioning authority. While that can be painful in your relationships with your parents and teachers, it’s enormously useful in life.” –Larry Ellison

38. “You can’t worry about it, you can’t panic when you look at the stock market’s decline or you get frozen like a deer in the headlights. All you can do is all you can do.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 35 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

39. “Because software is all about scale. The larger you are, the more profitable you are. If we sell twice as much as software, it doesn’t cost us twice as much to build that software. So the more customers you have, the more scale you have. The larger you are, the more profitable you are.” –Larry Ellison

40. “Everyone thought the acquisition strategy was extremely risky because no one had ever done it successfully. In other words, it was innovative.” –Larry Ellison

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41. “I have run engineering since day one at Oracle, and I still run engineering. I hold meetings every week with the database team, the middle ware team, the applications team. I run engineering and I will do that until the board throws me out of there.” –Larry Ellison

42. “There’s a wonderful saying that’s dead wrong. ‘Why did you climb the mountain? ‘I climbed the mountain because it was there.’ That’s utter nonsense. You climbed the mountain because you were here and you were curious if you could do it. You wondered what it would be like.” –Larry Ellison

43. “I think you might see us growing much deeper into banking. You might see us acquiring companies in the banking area. You might see us acquiring companies in the retail area. I think you might see us acquiring companies in the telecommunications. I think you will see us getting stronger in business intelligence.” –Larry Ellison

44. “If your cash is about to run out, you have to cut your cash flow. CEOs have to make those decisions and live with them however painful they may be. You have to act and act now; and act in the best interest of the company as a whole, even if it means that some people in the company who are your best friends have to work somewhere else.” –Larry Ellison

45. “When you are the first person whose beliefs are different from what everyone else believes, you are basically saying, ‘I’m right and everyone else is wrong.’ That’s a very unpleasant position to be in. It’s at once exhilaration and the same time an invitation to be attacked.” –Larry Ellison

46. “Bill Gates is the pope of the personal computer industry. He decides who is going to build.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 37 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

47. “I saw that we needed to grow but our top line wasn’t growing, so we had to find other ways to grow the business. We had to reshape our business and acquire share in a non conventional way. But most tech leaders don’t come out of a business background. They really have a parochial point of view. All they know are the go-go years of Silicon Valley. That’s the environment in which they were raised.” –Larry Ellison

48. “I was vehemently against acquisitions. Now let’s buy everything in sight. Well, that’s a slight exaggeration. We are a little more strategic than that. But everything was on sale.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 38 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

49. “In order to grow at this pace, there will have to be a couple of acquisitions along the way. The tricky thing is to grow at this rate and maintain a 40 percent operating margin.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 39 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

50. “You have to take a broader view and realize this is an industry like any other – telecoms, Railroads; they went through consolidation. Why shouldn’t the computer industry be any different? This shouldn’t have been a surprise to anybody but it seemed to be, and a lot of people thought I was nuts when I said these things. And that’s why they are alone as a consolidator.” –Larry Ellison

51. “Bill Gates wants people to think he is Edison, when he’s really Rockefeller. Referring to Gates as the smartest man in America isn’t right. Wealth isn’t the same thing as intelligence.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 40 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

52.“I am also involved with all the acquisitions and overall strategy. Now it’s true, I don’t run operations. But I’ve never really run operations. I’ve never had the endurance to run sales. The whole idea of selling to the customer just isn’t my personality. I’m an engineer, tell me why something isn’t working or is and I am curious.” –Larry Ellison

53. “In some ways, getting away from the headquarters and having a little time to reflect allows you to find errors in your strategy. You get to rethink things. Often, that helps me correct a mistake that I made or someone else is about to make.” –Larry Ellison

54. “So what makes me happy? I was really happy to build this house. That’s it; building things. The trouble with software is that it’s very hard to show your aunt in Florida what you’ve done.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 41 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

55. “We have been doing things that are contrary; the things that people tell us won’t work from the beginning. In fact, the only way to get ahead is to find errors in conventional wisdom.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 42 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

56. “When you live your life in different ways, it makes people around you become uncomfortable. So deal with it. They don’t know what you are going to do.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 43 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

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Larry Ellison Quotes on Business

57. “We will still be enormously profitable and by far the most profitable enterprise software company.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 44 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

58. “Our applications business is strong and getting stronger, … Oracle’s new e-Business Suite puts every aspect of a business — marketing, sales, service, procurement, supply chain, manufacturing, accounting, human resources — everything, on the Internet. All the applications in our suite are designed and engineered to work together, so customers buying the entire suite don’t need to do any systems integration.” –Larry Ellison

59. “What can a sales person say to somebody to get them to buy a product that they already use every day if they don’t like it? Nothing.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 45 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

60. “Once the business data have been centralized and integrated, the value of the database is greater than the sum of the preexisting parts.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 46 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

61. “I think about the business all the time. Well I shouldn’t say all the time. I don’t think about it when I am wake-boarding. But even when I am on vacation, or on my boat; I am on email everyday. I am always prowling around the internet looking at what our competitors are doing.” –Larry Ellison

62. “If you do everything that everyone else does in business, you’re going to lose. The only way to really be ahead, is to ‘be different’.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 47 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

63. “You’ll see us controlling our costs, and one of the ways we control costs is by managing headcount, … I don’t think there is any company out there now that is not being asked to do more with less.”

Larry Ellison quotes 48 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

64. “Most companies don’t want their data co-mingled with other customers. Small companies will tolerate it.” -Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 49 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

65. “I had to ask people I had worked with for a decade… to leave. I had to fire people. That was the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do in business. Asking a bunch of people to leave Oracle.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 50 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

66. “Why do people use heavily customized, one-of-a-kind business systems? Because they had no other choice.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 51 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

67. “We do want to sell to business people as opposed to IT people. We think it is a little bit strange that business people aren’t involved in this stuff.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

68. “The business people are the ones who should understand what we are selling and the ones who should make that decision to buy or not buy.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

69. “I cannot run this business and tell the truth to customers. It’s not possible.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

70. “You can’t conform in business.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

71. “It’s a classic business mistake to say, ‘This is how we do business; change your software so we can automate it.’ A new approach is needed. First, you must simply and modernize all your business processes, then move those newly standardized processes to the Internet. Only then can you expect the system to improve your business. Only then can you expect the system to be delivered on time.” –Larry Ellison

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72. “You realize that life is short and fragile; and when you are facing walls of water, you understand your own mortality can change and how quickly things could change.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 56 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

73. “This was the first in a pattern of apparently high-risk decisions I made throughout my life at Oracle. But I only ever picked the high-risk approach when I thought that it would increase our chance of winning and our share of reward.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 57 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

74. “My life had been focused on work, work, and more work. Oracle had crashed in 1991, and I couldn’t rest until it was healthy again. I didn’t have any time to spend money or think about spending money.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 58 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

75. “Life is a miracle…” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 59 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

76. “Life’s a journey. It’s a journey about discovering limits.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 60 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

77. “I think we have two fundamental drives in our life: we want to be loved and we want to please people. And we know how to think and we know how to reason. And these are often quite at odds.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 61 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

78. “If I pick up another billion this coming year, it has no meaning in terms of being able to buy something that I wanted that I couldn’t buy last year. It doesn’t change my life in any way.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 62 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

79. “Life is the enlightened pursuit of happiness, not the unenlightened pursuit of as much money as you can accumulate. And the only things that are important in our lives are love and work – not necessarily in that order, but they’re both important.” –Larry Ellison

80. “We work because work is an act of creation. We identify with it… I look at the company and I think, ‘This is me.’ But that’s not my whole life.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 63 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

81. “Life is short. I’m not going to spend every minute of it with Oracle.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

82. “A Latin teacher once told me that the ‘F’ she gave me would ruin my life. I didn’t believe it and told her so. A little letter in a square box? It all seemed so silly.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 65 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

83. “I enjoy competition. I think life is a series of acts of discovery. We’re all interested in discovering our own limits.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 66 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

84. “I didn’t take off three months… I’ve never been gone for more than a month at Oracle in my life.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 67 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

85. “I’ve been in fairly serious relationships most of my life. It’s true.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 68 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

86. “I like putting myself in demanding, challenging situations. But not to the point where my life is really at risk.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 69 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

87. “I work very hard at being a good CEO for Oracle. But at the same time I can’t stop living my life.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 70 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

88. “I believe people have to follow their dreams—I did.” – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 71 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

89. “The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women’s fashion. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it? It’s complete gibberish. It’s insane. When is this idiocy going to stop?” –Larry Ellison

90.“I started NetSuite. NetSuite was my idea. I called up Evan Goldberg and said, ‘We’re going to do ERP on the Internet, software-as-a-service.’ Six months later Marc Benioff, finding out what NetSuite was doing, and kind of copied it.” –Larry Ellison

91. “All of Tom’s experience will be very valuable to Oracle for the next couple of years, … I have no problem with him saying not-nice things about me in the past. I might have said some things about him. I forget. That’s all water under the bridge. We’re on the same team again.” –Larry Ellison

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Larry Ellison Quotes on Innovation and Ideas

92. “When people start telling you that you’re crazy, you just might be on to the most important innovation in your life.”

Larry Ellison quotes 72 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

93. “I enjoy the competition and the process of learning as we compete. The whole thing is just fascinating. I don’t know what I’ll do when I retire. When I go sailing, I look around … anyone want to race? I just love competing as opposed to just going out and watching the sunset.” –Larry Ellison

94. “When I started Oracle, what I wanted to do was to create an environment where I would enjoy working. That was my primary goal. Sure, I wanted to make a living. I certainly never expected to become rich, certainly not this rich. I mean, rich does not even describe this. This is surreal.” –Larry Ellison

95. “All you can do is every day, try to solve a problem and make your company better. You can’t worry about it, you can’t panic when you look at the stock market’s decline. You get frozen like a deer in the headlights. All you can do is all you can do.” –Larry Ellison

96. “What they’re doing is not the least bit subtle. The result of all the innovation will be bankruptcy for Netscape,” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 73 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

97. “We’re very excited about this product. It’s one of our biggest announcements for many, many years. It’s the result of years of innovation and hard work.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 74 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

98. “Apple needs to worry about doing something different. It’s back to innovation and creativity.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 75 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

99. “If an innovative piece of software comes along, Microsoft copies it and makes it part of Windows. This is not innovation; this is the end of innovation.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 76 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

100. “Right now, 70 percent of the people don’t have computers. And where they’re needed most, people don’t have them. We think this will enable anyone to own a computer. We’re aiming at everybody who uses a computer as an information access device. The original idea was to build one cheaply enough to put one on every desk.” –Larry Ellison

101. “It’s fascinating as we continue to innovate and lead the way in both the application space and the database space. In the very beginning, people said you couldn’t make relational databases fast enough to be commercially viable. I thought we could, and we were the first to do it. But we took tremendous abuse until IBM said, “Oh yeah, this stuff is good.”” –Larry Ellison

102. “If an open source product gets good enough, we’ll simply take it. So the great thing about open source is nobody owns it – a company like Oracle is free to take it for nothing, include it in our products and charge for support, and that’s what we’ll do. So it is not disruptive at all – you have to find places to add value. Once open source gets good enough, competing with it would be insane. We don’t have to fight open source, we have to exploit open source.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison Quotes about Software

103. “Oracle’s database and e-Business applications have become the software standard for the Internet, … All 10 of the world’s biggest Web sites use Oracle, as do 93 percent of the public dot.com companies. The faster the Internet grows, the faster we grow.” –Larry Ellison

104. “Well, about four years ago I made a provocative statement saying that the PC was a ridiculous device, … You have to add software to your PC to make it work sometimes. The whole idea of putting a floppy disk into a PC and loading software is ridiculous. The whole idea of backing up the data on your PC is ridiculous.” –Larry Ellison

105. “As the Internet grows, that’s driving our top line, … Last quarter, our software business grew 30 percent.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 77 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

106. “Despite what everyone says, our software is actually cheaper.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 78 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

107. “Back in 1995, it was very clear to us that we had to stop doing desktop software and we don’t do any desktop Windows software, … We moved everything to big Internet servers. Our database is designed for the Internet, our applications are designed for the Internet.” –Larry Ellison

108. “Really great blogs do not take the place of great microprocessors. Great blogs do not replace great software. Lots and lots of blogs does not replace lots and lots of sales.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 79 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

109. “We decided to abandon the consulting business and go into the software business. A software product offered the ultimate leverage: built it once and sell it over and over again.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 80 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

110. “We’re trying to change the nature of the software business and make it much less labor-intensive.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 81 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

111. “Oracle Software Powers the Internet.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 82 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

Larry Ellison Quotes on Cloud Computing

112. “They don’t call it the Internet anymore, they call it cloud computing. I’m no longer resisting the name. Call it what you want.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 83 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

113.“We think a modern cloud lets you decide when you want to upgrade. We don’t decide for you.

Larry Ellison quotes 84 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

114. “Oracle’s got 100+ enterprise applications live in the #cloud; today, SAP’s got nothin’ but Success Factors until 2020.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 85 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

115. “We’ll continue to expand our footprint… Oracle’s Fusion cloud applications for HCM, CRM and ERP all have a new simplified user interface and an integrated social network that makes our enterprise applications as easy-to-use and familiar as Facebook, while enabling better collaboration and teamwork among your employees and your customers.” –Larry Ellison

116. “Oracle’s latest database, version 12c, was specifically designed for the cloud. Oracle 12c makes all your Oracle applications multitenant applications without you having to make any changes whatsoever to your applications.” –Larry Ellison

117. “I can’t think of anything that isn’t cloud computing with all of these announcements. The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women’s fashion. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it?” –Larry Ellison

118. “We’ll make cloud computing announcements. I’m not going to fight this thing.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 86 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

Larry Ellison Quotes about Oracle

119. “We think we’re going to be especially strong in platform where we have our two platform brands: our database brand is the Oracle Database 12c, and our programming language brand is this thing called Java.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 87 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

120. “Oracle’s latest database, version 12c, was specifically designed for the cloud. Oracle 12c makes all your Oracle applications multitenant applications without you having to make any changes whatsoever to your applications.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 88 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

121. “We’ve announced an Oracle Virtual Compute Appliance, a bunch of low-cost commodity servers running Linux, integrated in our case, with InfiniBand – connected with InfiniBand vs. the traditional Ethernet.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 89 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

122. “I don’t think Oracle and IBM want another Microsoft in Red Hat.” – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 90 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

123. “Joe brings perspective and experience not commonly found in Silicon Valley companies, … In the last few years we have transformed Oracle Corporation into the leader in e-business. Joe will help us clearly and broadly communicate the benefits of e-business and e-government.” –Larry Ellison

124. “Oracle applications are ideally suited for rapid implementations because our e-business suite is complete and integrated — no application customizations are required,” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 91 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

125. “We think Microsoft is a very serious competitor going forward in the applications business. It’s not simply going to be Oracle versus SAP.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 92 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

126. “In a single step, Oracle becomes the No1 CRM applications company in the world.” – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 93 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

127. “He’s always thought I was taking too much of a risk by holding on to my Oracle (stock).” – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 94 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

128. “I can check the Oracle stock price with this, … and then maybe decide to pick up some more stock with it.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 95 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

129. “What is Oracle? A bunch of people. And all of our products were just ideas in the heads of those people – ideas that people typed into a computer, tested, and that turned out to be the best idea for a database or for a programming language.” –Larry Ellison

130. “We think of Microsoft as our major competitor in the database business, not IBM,” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 96 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

131.“In most companies, one database replaces dozens of Exchange servers,” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 97 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

Larry Ellison Quotes on Success

132. “When I do something, it is all about self-discovery. I want to learn and discover my own limits.” –Larry Ellison

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133. “I have had all of the disadvantages required for success.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 99 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

134. “Great achievers are driven, not so much by the pursuit of success but by the fear of failure.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 100 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

135. “When you innovate, you’ve got to be prepared for everyone telling you you’re nuts.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 101 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

136. “See things in the present, even if they are in the future.” –Larry Ellison

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137. “A corporation’s primary goal is to make money.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 103 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

138. “Wealth isn’t the same thing as intelligence.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 104 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

139. “Act confident, even when you’re not.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 105 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

140. “Taking care of your employees is extremely important and very, very visible.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 106 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

141. “If I were 21 years old, I would go into biotechnology or genetic engineering.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 107 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

142. “You cannot innovate by copying.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 108 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

143. “When you write a program for Android, you use the Oracle Java tools for everything and at the very end, you push a button and say convert this.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 109 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

144. “To model yourself after Steve Jobs is like, I’d like to paint like Picasso, what should I do? Should I use more red?” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes 110 - 156 Most notable Larry Ellison Quotes on Entrepreneurship, Business, Motivation, Success, Software, and more

145. “You have to believe in what you do in order to get what you want.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

146. “You have to act and act now.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison Quotes on Winning

147. “Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. Sure, there’s the talent, but there also has to be the will. Give me human will and the intense desire to win and it will trump talent every day of the week.” – Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

148. “I think I am very goal oriented. I’d like to win the America’s cup. I’d like Oracle to be the No 1 software company in the world. I still think it is possible to beat Microsoft.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

149. “I love sailing. I like it more when I am winning.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

150. “Winning is not enough. All others must lose.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

151. “I know some people are offended by the fact that I’m spending a lot of money trying to win the America’s Cup. I could have given all that money to charity.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

152. “I’m addicted to winning. The more you win, the more you want to win.”–Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

153. “When fashion and the pursuit of love is in conflict with reason, too often, fashion in the pursuit of love wins. In my case it didn’t.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

154. “We certainly wanted to win every deal, win every game. We wanted to be the Miami Dolphins, have a 100-percent winning season.” –Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison quotes

155. “I suppose you can say to anyone who wants to win so badly, who am I winning for? Am I winning for Oracle shareholders or is this simply a matter of personal vanity? I admit to it, mea culpa. An awful lot of it is personal vanity. I think we are curious about ourselves.” –Larry Ellison

156. “We would surely lose if we had to face serious competition. But if we were all alone in pursuit of our goal of building the first commercial relational database system, we had a change to win. But we had to be first to market with the new technology…” –Larry Ellison

Who is Larry Ellison?

Larry Ellison is an American business magnate and investor who is the co-founder, executive chairman, chief technology officer (CTO) and former chief executive officer (CEO) of the American computer technology company  Oracle Corporation. As of 1st February 2023, he was listed by Bloomberg Billionaires Index  as the sixth-wealthiest person in the world with an estimated fortune of $102.6 billion.

Larry Ellison is the chairman, chief technology officer and co-founder of software giant Oracle, of which he owns about 35%. He gave up the Oracle CEO role in 2014 after 37 years at the helm. In 2020, Ellison moved permanently to the Hawaiian island Lanai, which he bought nearly all of in 2012 for $300 million.

Ellison sat on the board of Tesla from December 2018 to August 2022. He still owns about 15 million shares in the electric carmaker

10 interesting facts about Larry Ellison.

  1. Ellison was adopted: Ellison was born in New York City and was adopted by his aunt and uncle at the age of nine months.
  2. College Dropout: Ellison dropped out of both the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago before eventually moving to California to pursue a career in technology.
  3. Oracle Co-founder: In 1977, Ellison co-founded Oracle Corporation with Bob Miner and Ed Oates. The company grew to become one of the world’s largest software makers, specializing in enterprise software and database technology.
  4. Yacht Racing: Ellison has a passion for yacht racing and has competed in several high-profile competitions, including the America’s Cup. In 2010, he won the America’s Cup with his sailing team BMW Oracle Racing.
  5. Philanthropy: Ellison has donated millions of dollars to various causes, including medical research and education. In 2016, he pledged $200 million to establish the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine at the University of Southern California.
  6. Real Estate: Ellison owns several impressive properties, including a 23-acre estate in Woodside, California, and an entire Hawaiian island, Lanai.
  7. Personal Life: Ellison has been married four times and has two children.
  8. Love of Japanese Culture: Ellison has a deep appreciation for Japanese culture and has invested in several Japanese companies, including the video game company Sega.
  9. Aviation Enthusiast: Ellison is an aviation enthusiast and owns several aircraft, including a fighter jet and two military-style jets.
  10. Wealth: As of 1st February 2023, he was listed by Bloomberg Billionaires Index  as the sixth-wealthiest person in the world with an estimated fortune of $102.6 billion.

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